Dr. Andrew Mantulak

Dr. Andrew Mantulak

Dr. Andrew Mantulak

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: amantula@uwo.ca


I consider it a privilege to teach, undertake research and daily be part of the same university community where I obtained my undergraduate degree in social work. All the aspects that I loved and benefitted from as a student, I now strive to maintain as a faculty at King’s. The small class sizes, the focus on educating the whole person and strong sense of community are what make this institution unique. As a faculty I take seriously the mantle of responsibility that comes with educating the social work professionals of the future towards ensuring they practice with a high level of skill, knowledge and personal value that places their clients needs at the forefront of everything they do. I aim through my research to find more effective means and methods to provide high quality social work education. In addition, my interest in health research is intended to amplify the voice of experience possessed by patients and families impacted by acute and chronic illness.

If you want to know about the profession of social work, my research or how you can become part of my program of research through collaboration please do not hesitate to email me amantula@uwo.ca


2018 Western University’s Leadership in Wellness Award of Recognition

2017 Canadian Association of Nephrology Social Workers (CANSW) Jane Dicks Award - Contributions to Nephrology Social Work in Canada

2016-2017 Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence, King’s University College at Western University

2015-2016 Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence, King’s University College at Western University

2014-2015 Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence, King’s University College at Western University

2013-2014 Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence, King’s University College at Western University



  • Bachelors of Social Work (King’s University College)
  • Masters of Social Work (McMaster University)
  • PhD (Wilfrid Laurier University 2012)


  • Quality of life issues in pediatric kidney disease and transplantation
  • Pedagogy and teaching in social work education
  • Social work in health care

Nicholas, D.B., West, L.J., Caulfield, T.A., & Mantulak, A. (2015-2017). Organ Donation Determinants and Approaches: A Critical Review with a Focus on Kidney Transplantation. Kidney Foundation of Canada. $99,997

Harwood, L., Wilson, B., & Mantulak, A. (2018 -2019) Support in the home for peritoneal dialysis: An evaluation of integrated Services. Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) – Ontario Renal Network (ORN). $16,532

Mantulak, A., Arundel, M.K., & Bullen, A. (2018- 2019 ). The millennial generation: A new challenge for social work field education. Internal research grant – King’s University College at Western University. $3,700

Mantulak, A. (2014-2018) Best Interest and the Pediatric Dialysis Patient: The case of Baby M. Internal Research grant- King’s University College. $2,511

Selected Publications

Mantulak, “Best interest” and Pediatric End Stage Kidney Disease: The Case of Baby M, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Volume 46, 2019, Pages e37-e43, ISSN 0882-5963,  

Mantulak, A., & Cadell, S. (2018). Mothers’ experience of posttraumatic growth in pediatric kidney transplantation. Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care. January-March 14(1), 110-123. Doi: 10.1080/15524256.1437587.

Elkassem, S., Csiernik, R., Kayssi, G., Hussain, Y., Lambert, K., Bailey, P., Choudhary, A. & Mantulak, A. (2018 -in press). Growing up Muslim: The impact of Islamophobia on children in a Canadian community. Journal of Muslim Mental Health.

Mantulak, A. & Nicholas, D. (2016). “We’re not going to say it’s suffering, we’re going to call it an experience”: The lived experience of maternal caregivers in pediatric kidney transplantation. Social Work in Health Care, 55 (8), 580-594.

Mantulak, A (2014). The experience of mothering a child with a kidney transplant and the implications of illness related uncertainty. Journal of Nephrology Social Workers 38(1), 19-23.

Nicholas, B.D., Picone, G., Vigneux, A., McCormick, K., Mantulak, A., McClure, M., & MacCulloch, R. (2007). Evaluation of an Online Peer Support Network for Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 27(1), p.23-33.