Faculty and Administration
Dr. Laura Beres
Full Professor
Interim Director
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
Laura.Beres@kings.uwo.ca -
Dr. Jane Sanders
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Coordinator
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
jsande48@uwo.ca -
Mary Kay Arundel
Manager, Professional Practicum Education
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
MaryKay.Arundel@kings.uwo.ca -
Deanna Bond
School Administrator
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
Deanna.Bond@kings.uwo.ca -
Stacey Case
Professional Practicum Student Supervisor and Support Lead
519-433-3491 x.
Stacey.Case@kings.uwo.ca -
Tosha Densky
Coordinator of Academics and Development
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
Tosha.Densky@kings.uwo.ca -
Kate Edgar
Professional Practicum Education Assistant
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
Kate.Edgar@kings.uwo.ca -
Larissa Emmons
Professional Practicum Coordinator
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
Larissa.Emmons@kings.uwo.ca -
Dr. Kofi Antwi-Boasiako
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
kantwib@uwo.ca -
Dr. Stephanie Baird
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.
sbaird7@uwo.ca -
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum
Co-Director, Research Institute with Children
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
rbirnbau@uwo.ca -
Kym Briggs
519-433-3491 x.
kbriggs@uwo.ca -
Dr. Richard Csiernik
Full Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
rcsierni@uwo.ca -
Jared Dalton
519-433-3491 x.
jdalto3@uwo.ca -
Dr. Barbara Decker Pierce
Professor Emerita
519-433-3491 x.
bpierce3@uwo.ca -
Bridget DeMarchi
519-433-3491 x.
bdemarc@uwo.ca -
Steve Didham
519-433-3491 x.
sdidham2@uwo.ca -
Rhonda Hallberg
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
rhallber@uwo.ca -
Dr. Laura Hogarth
519-433-3491 x.
lhogart4@uwo.ca -
Prof. Dermot Hurley
Professor Emeritus
519-433-3491 x.
dhurley2@uwo.ca -
Dr. Amina Hussain
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.
ahuss96@uwo.ca -
Dr. Kathryn Irvine
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
kirvine7@uwo.ca -
Dr. Rose Marie Jaco
Professor Emerita
519-433-3491 x.
rjaco@uwo.ca -
Trevor Johnson
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
tjohns92@uwo.ca -
Dr. Laura Lewis
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
llewis2@uwo.ca -
Dr. Andrew Mantulak
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
amantula@uwo.ca -
Dr. Kowa Qiyomiddin
519-433-3491 x.
kqiyomi2@uwo.ca -
Maureen Reid
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
mreid224@uwo.ca -
Amanda Reinhart
519-433-3491 x.
areinha4@uwo.ca -
Dr. Carrie Smith
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
csmit486@uwo.ca -
Mary Starnaman
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
mstarnam@uwo.ca -
Dr. Akin Taiwo
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
ataiwo3@uwo.ca -
Dr. Rosemary Vito
Associate Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
rvito4@uwo.ca -
Ruth Wilson
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.